Saturday, February 16, 2013

I'm Pregnant And I Know It!

38 weeks 4 days pregnant

I haven't wrote a post on my blog in a long time, so I thought I would write about my pregnancy since I haven't really talked much about it at all. I already wrote a post about when I found out I was pregnant and how I told everyone about it. Now I will write about how my pregnancy has been going. My first trimester, I started having morning sickness right away it felt like. It seemed to be worse then when I had it with my first one, Kayley too. (She is that cute and adorable little girl you see in that picture above. Can you believe she is already 2 1/2 years old?!) My second trimester was a little better. I felt like I wasn't rushing to the bathroom as much.....I still was having morning sickness for a while though. When Tony and I found out that our baby was going to be another girl, I was a little disappointed but then I realized if God wanted me to have a boy, He would have gave me one. Then we talked about if we were going to have any more kids or if this one was going to be our last. After talking about it for a long time, we decided that it would be best if we only have two kids and since I have to have a c-section, I would get my tubes tied. I'm just fine with having two girls too.....There is always son-in-laws( Hopefully not for a VERY long time though). Now that I'm in my third and LAST trimester, I'm very anxious on meeting our baby girl and being able to be comfortable again. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Tony and I.......well mostly I decided to name our baby girl, Paisley Louise Klinck. I have already noticed that she is very energetic and is constantly moving. I have the stretch marks to prove it too. About twice as many then what I had with Kayley. In my picture above, you may have noticed how big I am...........I mean who doesn't right?! I can't even count how many endless comments I get about I big my belly is. I get comments like, "You are HUGE!", "Are you sure you aren't having twins?", "You are going to have a big baby aren't you?" and my favorite one is, "You aren't pregnant at all are you?" I just say, "No, I just swallowed a beach ball!" These are mostly questions I get from men or random strangers I see when I go somewhere. People are always staring at my belly too and I just smile. And of course I get the same repeating questions of, "When is your due date?" and "Are you ready yet?"  BUT ENOUGH OF MY RANTING AND RAVING! At least it's just my stomach that looks big. This time I don't have swollen ankles. My doctor told me that the baby is measuring up to where she is supposed to and that my stomach is stretching so much because I'm holding in so much fluid. She said the fluid isn't getting past the uterus and is trapped in there. And Boy do I ever feel it! I have back and pelvis aches galore. On my last appointment, which was last Wednesday, my blood pressure was high for the very first time. I think it was 139/90. All my other visits, it has been normal. She asked if I was feeling ok and I said yes. I told her I was running late getting here and I was stuck behind a GISD bus on the way to my appointment, not to mention some other things, so I was probably a little anxious. She took my blood pressure again about 10 mintues later and it only went down a tiny bit. So, she told me I had to go to the hospital the next morning and have moniter on my belly to check the baby and my blood pressure again. I went to Hurley at 9:45 am on Valentine's Day and got checked out. Everything turned out fine and my blood pressure and Paisley were fine.  Other then that, I have been doing pretty good.  I just keep on reminding myself that soon this will be over and Paisley will be in my arms. 10 more days left and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!