Thursday, April 19, 2012

My First "Embrace The Camera" Pictures

My Sister-in-law introduced me to the "Embrace The Camera" post that goes on every Thursday. She asked me to check it out on the "Anderson Crew" blog and to try out the challenge. So I checked out the blog and decided I would do it.  Most of the time I'm the one who is behind the camera and not in the pictures, so this would be a great change for me. I'm going to try and take pictures of my daughter and I or a picture of my husband, daughter and I every Thursday. That way my daughter, Kayley will have pictures of us she can look back on. Here are a few pictures of Kayley and I(Mommy) off my phone this morning. Sorry the pictures are in the wrong direction. I have no idea how to change them. :\
We are goofballs.....I know
Kayley took this picture all by herself

Our Dog (Kloie) joined us for this picture
Love this picture!

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